
Wavelab elements 9
Wavelab elements 9

wavelab elements 9

New here is the Montage Inspector that replaces the Effect Tool panel found in previous versions (for the uninitiated, a ‘montage’ is WaveLab-speak for an album or collection of audio clips). WaveLab 10’s interface retains its standard look and feel, with moveable and dockable tool windows surrounding the main waveform view. This latest release brings WaveLab up to the same version-10 labelling as its stablemates Cubase and Nuendo – and brings a number of new features along with some general improvements.

wavelab elements 9

In the years since its release, WaveLab has become one of the core products in Steinberg’s stable of thoroughbreds, receiving regular updates and improvements to keep up with the digital-audio art of the possible. From the get-go, WaveLab’s capabilities dovetailed perfectly with the needs of audio professionals and hobbyists alike: it simplified the process of creating audio CD masters that could be sent for duplication it provided a far, far better approach to editing and manipulating samples than poking around on the little LCD screens that adorned the hardware samplers of the day and in broadcasting, its slick editing and rapid workflow were a massive improvement over the exquisitely expensive systems many broadcasters were then using.

Wavelab elements 9